Great Success Fayna Ukrayna - Carolina Mini Poodles

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Great Success Fayna Ukrayna
- Carolina Mini Poodles
Great Success Fayna Ukrayna
Airi Arabeska Young Hero x Impressive Lady Faina Ukrayna
Breeder: Uliya Boyko

Health Testing
prcd-PRA N/N, rcd4-PRA N/N, DM N/N, vWD1 N/N, NEWS N/N, EDS N/N, GM2 N/N
PL 0/0, Preliminary hips: good (OFA)
ACVO eye examination: free from all

full and correct scissor bite
Color Testing:
aw/at, 4x B/b, D/D, e/e, l/l, KB/KB, S/S
Champion Titles
FCI International Champion
AKC champion
Champion of Costa Rica
Grand champion of Costa Rica
Champion of San Jose
Champion of Panamerican
Champion of Latin America
Champion of Colombia
Multi BOB
Multi Group Winner

Please contact us for stud service
Our dogs are only available for a limited number of matings and only for titled and fully health tested females.

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